Career Literature
Career Literature or Career Exploration Books are a great way to build career awareness. Introducing students to literature that emcompasses careers is a substantive way educators and parents can connect students to the world of work, and to dare them to dream big early on! With the introduction of cool careers through literature, students can become exposed to the various Michigan career zones and career clusters as early as in Kindergarten.
Educators have long emphasized the importance of learning to read well in the early grades, and Career Literature provides students with an opportunity to become exposed to rich content within the College and Career Readiness field. Developing student’s awareness of careers early can lead to a greater enthusiasm about selecting a career path in the future.
Career Literature Circles
Career literature circles are an exceptional way for students to engage in critical thinking and reflection as they explore careers. Literature circles are a great place for cooperative learning, and are excellent for teaching students how to utilize resources effectively. Students can have a choice as to what career cluster they want to explore further during career circles, and free choice can lead to deeper engagement, increased intrinsic motivation, and an opportunity for guided-decision making. Below are resources educators can use when utilizing career literature circles.
Classroom Career Libraries
Whether virtual or physical, classroom libraries play a pivotal role in providing access in promoting literacy, as well as career awareness. Career classroom libraries can boost students’ motivation, critical thinking, and their pursuit to explore careers. Educators can promote career clusters by reading to children daily about career related fields, and by allowing students an opportunity to engage in books that explore various careers.
Virtual Read Aloud Library
Virtual read aloud books improve students' vocabulary and build career literacy and social skills. Career virtual read aloud books introduce students to the language of careers, and describe a day in the life of a particular career field. Click on stories below to begin exploring career virtual read aloud books.
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Children Fiction and Non-Fiction Career Books
Support students' joy of reading by creating a library filled with career fiction and nonfiction books. Career books are a great way to foster students’ enthusiasm about “what they want to be when they grow up”, and it encourages excitement about their future. Below is a list of books educators can purchase for students self-selection in building libraries.
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